Saturday, November 06, 2004


I'm so excited I could pee my pants! (but don't worry - Iwon't) Plans have changed suddenly, and exciting things are happening at the institute! I was originally planning on leavin Indore the 18th and heading to Rajasthan for a few days before I fly out. HOwever, Jimmy and Janak have just arrived home today after a week's absence (Janak's niece was getting married) and brought with them the news that the Institute is going to be opening two new centers (akin to the one we opened outside Bhopal in the beginning of October) in the state of Haryana (just left of Delhi) - before the end of the month! One of the centers will be run fromthe Baha'i center in a town whcih I can't remember the name, and the other one will be on a beautiful property in the village of Mewat nearby. The one in Mewat had already been built as a vocational center for women, but they were not very successful and asked the "experts at Barli" to step in and open a new branch of our institute there! Four current students will be runnin these two branches, all of which are good friends of mine and I'm uber-excited for them! All this was just fine and dandy and then Janak placed the icing on the cake for me - she's sending Elisa and I up with the girls to start preparing the centers for opening on the 15th! HOORAY!! I'm so excited I could burst.
At any rate, I don't have time to write more on that now. Last weekend Elisa and I went to Mandu, which isthis gorgeous historic area filled with old ruins of forts, palaces and mosques. Itwas not only beautiful, but really cool because, being in India, they don't stop you from exploring the way they do in the west - we got ourselves into some interesting placesthere!
But Elisais waiting so I gotta run - Iprobably won't update moreuntil afterI'm home. ButI promise to tell you ALL ABOUT Mandu and Haryana then! BYEEE!!!


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