Sunday, June 27, 2004

Quick note

YO. just a quick note this week. I need you all to send me mailing addresses!!! Apparently mail is quite cheap here, and it's easier to write in my room than to get to the internet cafe and have limited time to write to everyone. SO. And that means you should mail me too(even thouhg it's more expensive from your end).
Highlights of this past week:
Last Sunday Elisa and I went to the house of Shanti, one of the staff members at the institute. It was a little bit of a shock to me to arrive there and discover it was a cement block consisting of 3 meager rooms, maximum 10ft x 10ft each. One bonus though: all Indian houses have flat rooftops which you can go up to, and they're quite cool and nice in the evenings. Shanti has three young children. Elisa and I played with them a lot which was really fun - luckily we know enough Hindi that we were able to get on quite well without much trouble! Of course, the oldest one IS only 4 so they don't speak tons anyway, but whatever... It was also fun because we decided to dress up in sarees for our visit, which the girls helped us to put on. They love it when we do anythng Indian, and were all offering us bangles and bindis and whatnot.
On Friday night, Janak invited us to go with her to a pre-wedding party. They had a nice outdoor tent set up with a big mattress in one corner where they were doing henna, and we each got to get our hands done! It really made me think of Monsoon Wedding.
For those of you who were worried that I won't get to see Harry Potter on the big screen, never fear! Harry Potter is apparently already in the big cities, and as soon as it's translated it will come here. So I will top you - I'll get to see it in Hindi!
Well I gotta run, but don't forget to send me your addresses!


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