Sunday, June 13, 2004


WELL. I was going to say I'm having a GREAT time here, but I just got an email saying that the GIGANTIC post which I sent LAST WEEKEND apparently didn't go through. Sorry to all you folks who have been madly checking my website (as I know you have) because you have nothing better to do with your lives and my absence in your lives is just too much to bear. SO. Here's how my message started:
Hello All!!
I've been in India for almost a week now, spending about 3 days in Delhi and arriving at the Institute in Indore just yesterday. I thought it was about time to let you guys know what I've been up to!
So like I said, I was in Delhi for 3 days where I had nothing to do but sightsee and explore. Here are some of my observations about Delhi: crowds, dirt (lots and lots of it), places that look abandoned but are really quite fully functioning and can even be totally modern inside sometimes, tourists, beggars, upper crust fashionistas and an amazing pastiche of east and west rolled into one. Oh, and don't forget the
Yes, that's right. MESSAGE TRUNCATED. Because apparently the "Mailer Daemon" doesn't feel it's necessary to include the whole message I sent and my free yahoo mail account doesn't automatically save sent mail. oh well.
I honestly have no clue what came after "don't forget the". Too bad. I'm sure it was very interesting. So here I am, settled into India, at the Institute where I am seeing people over and over and have familiar faces again, which is GREAT. I was going to tell you all about the Institute today but unfortunately since you didn't get the message about Delhi and I have to head back to the Institute for dinner, it will have to wait for another time. Basically here's the skinny on Delhi:
Day 1: exploring Connaught Place - basically a relatively modern shopping area but like all of India a great mix of old and new, dirt and things falling apart next to brand new westernized stores like McDonalds(which yes I did go into). Most of the stores are really teeny and you can barely fit two people side by side in.
Day 2: Saw India Gate (really just the Indian version of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, only dirty because it's in India). Went to this really odd ghost town/not ghost town exhibition place.
Day 3: Old Delhi on a bicycle rickshaw and the Red Fort. Then down to the Baha'i Temple which was amazing, made me weak at the knees and really felt like coming home (tears started streaming out of my face when I sat down and as though it weren't enough that I was white and redheaded made people stare at me even more).
Then I hopped on a train to Indore, which was really quite nice, and here I am. But Elise (yes, there is another volunteer here. Hooray! She's from Canada) is waiting downstairs and we're late for dinner. Back to the Institute! More later.
P.S. Don't forget to write!!


At 7:29 PM, Blogger Joel said...

Oh, how many times have I too suffered at the hands of the nefarious mailer daemon! Who or what is this man-creature and who does he work for? How did he get a hold of my messages? Why does he refuse to return it all in one piece? The mysteries of the universe remain unanswered...when will justice be served?!?!?!?!?! Umm... just kidding, actually just wanted to say HI. Joelson.


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